“Echoes of Elysium”

7 min readFeb 12, 2024


Jennifer JL Jones’ Floral and Fauna Guides Us Through the Transcendence of the Physical to the Ephemeral

Art has long been regarded as a mirror to the human experience, a visual language that transcends the boundaries of words and communicates the intricacies of our emotions and thoughts.

Jennifer JL Jones emerges as a visionary in the sphere of contemporary art, seamlessly blending the ethereal with the earthly. Her exhibition, “Echoes of Elysium” at New River Fine Art, is an odyssey into the transcendental, where the evolution of the soul, the journey of self-discovery, and the deep exploration of human connections intertwine. Jones’ abstract floral artworks are not just visual delights; they are pictorial portals to a transcendent dimension. These paintings bridge the tangible world with an otherworldly realm, inviting viewers to participate in a universal dance beyond the physical and learn to covet and nourish the relationships we have with those in the past, present and future.

Callisto III

In this painterly domain crafted by Jones, the themes of relationships, personal maturity, and the evolution of the self, merge into a tapestry of collective and unique experiences. Her art acts as a conduit between the real and the ethereal, exploring the intricate web of human ties and the nuanced journey of individual growth. The viewer experiences a moment where time and space blur, coalescing all instants and dimensions. This ethereal reality, illuminated through Jones’ paintings, offers a profound perspective on existence, underscoring the interconnectedness of all beings. It highlights the transformative power of relationships, as we navigate through the myriad timelines and dimensional realities of our lives.

At the heart of Jennifer JL Jones’ “Echoes of Elysium” ultimately lies a thematic undercurrent of how we continually interpret relationships — a dynamic interplay between individuals, emotions, and the shared experiences that bind us collectively and separately. Jones captures the essence of these relationships through a harmonious fusion of form and color, painting a visual symphony that mirrors the ebb-and-flow of nature and human connection, one that reaches beyond the present.

Portrayed through her signature botanical bounty, Jones expresses the intimacy of personal bonds, her canvases become charged, engaged, and universally understood through the reflection of the viewer’s own experiences — a unique set of conditions that prompts the desirable contemplation of who and why we are — relative to what we have experienced through the interactions of others and our shared experiences, nuanced serendipities, and cosmic connections.

Jones skillfully captures the abstract passage of time and its manmade constrictions through the evolution of nature, life, and its stratified complexities. The brushstrokes in her paintings are layered, like life’s experiences that contribute to personal growth. Through her art, Jones invites viewers to contemplate the transformative journey from impeccant innocence to insightful wisdom while along the way acknowledging the beauty and struggles that accompany the maturation process.

Personal growth, a universal aspect of the human condition, serves as a vital role within Jones’ exploration in “Echoes of Elysium” Her paintings can be seen as visual diary of the introspective and transformative moments that shape individuals. The canvases are alive, metaphorically representing the challenges and triumphs inherent in the pursuit of self-discovery. A passage created by our societal interactions with others — our emotions, our loves, our hates, our passions, our weakness, our successes and triumphs, and our losses and grievances.

Beyond interconnected relationships, Jennifer JL Jones utilizes “Echoes of Elysium” to explore the concept of transcendence. Her works manifest themselves into visual hymns singing aloud the transformative power of the human spirit. Through ethereal landscapes and transcendent color palettes, Jones invites viewers to contemplate a higher plane of existence — a realm beyond the mundane and superficial, where human experience exceeds the limitations of the physical world. In doing so, she sparks a conversation about the limitless potential for growth and transformation that resides within everyone.


In “Echoes of Elysium” Jennifer JL Jones presents “Apotheosis” a 40” x 60” lush composition of flora on paper, rendered in a palette that oscillates between the ethereal and the profound that visually encapsulates the journey of relationships through the mind’s eye. Jones’ brushwork is both deliberate and free, a paradox that translates into a visual meditation on the human experience. The flowers, abstracted yet identifiable, bloom amidst a dance of color and light, symbolizing the intimate connections and the shared bonds that define us. The painting’s organic forms are imbued with a sense of motion, as if caught in a gentle breeze, suggesting the fluid nature of our relationships. The deep blues and purples anchor the composition, while the lighter hues offer a whisper of the delicate nature of growth and the passage of time. Through her transcendent use of color, and texture, Jones speaks a universal language that establishes herself as an artist who captures the profound essence of our shared journey through life- one that reaches beyond the known to find existence in the indefinite where longing, judgement, acceptance, warmth, love, and necessities of yearning culminate into an indescribable peaceful utopia.

“Cardinals Overture” a 30” x 22” painting on paper is a visceral tapestry of chromatic bravura, wherein the artist’s intuition has channeled a symphony of ephemeral existences into a single, dynamic plane of visual poetry. The brushstrokes, vigorous and unapologetically bold, harness a spectrum of emotions that seem to dance on the cusp of creation and dissolution, embodying the transient nature of being. The kaleidoscope of colors — vivid reds, serene blues, and bursts of incandescent yellows and greens — do not just fill space but define it, each hue a synapse of life’s fleeting moments. The black strokes, stark and resolute, punctuate the composition, perhaps symbolizing the void from which all life springs and to which it inevitably returns. This is not merely a portrayal of flora but a deeper rumination on existence itself, an abstract representation of life’s impermanent beauty. As the eye traverses the painting, one is struck by the harmonic dissonance, the way the colors clash and complement, mimic and diverge, much like the paradoxical nature of our own ephemeral lives — vibrant yet vulnerable, strong yet fleeting. The artist, acting as both creator and conduit, invites contemplation on the transient episodes of our existence, captured with a brushstroke’s energy, a color’s vibrancy, and a composition’s silent yet resounding echo. In this work, the essence of abstract realities is palpable- it is an emotive landscape, where each viewer’s encounter with the painting is as unique and transient as existence itself. Here, the artist has transcended mere representation, offering instead a profound meditation on the ephemeral nature of all that surrounds us, and all that we are, a summarization of what we have been to where we are going.


“Odyssey”, the centerpiece of the exhibition, measures a stunning 72” x 96”. A truly multilayered concerto of colors and movements, Jones has painted into existence an evocative exploration of chromatic splendor, a masterpiece that seems to channel the very essence of nirvana through its layered, textural strokes. The visual symphony on display is a vibrant cacophony of hues that suggest a natural harmony, as if each brushstroke or sweep of the brush were individual notes contributing to a greater, transcendent melody. Jones demonstrates an exquisite control of color and form, weaving them together to evoke an ethereal landscape where the soul might wander endlessly in serene contemplation. The fervent interplay of warm and cool tones embodies an impassioned quest for enlightenment, a journey of the spirit. This painting invites the viewer into a realm where the terrestrial and the sublime coalesce, offering a glimpse into an idyllic state of peace that transcends the mundane — a true visual representation of paradise where all is love and love is all; a place where we are one with those who we have loved & those who love us.

In “Echoes of Elysium” Jennifer JL Jones emerges as an artist who goes beyond the surface, delving into the profound depths of nature as it relates to human relationships. Through her masterful use of color and texture, Jones creates a visual language that speaks to the soul, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of self-reflection. In this exhibition, the artist not only showcases her technical brilliance but also establishes herself as a storyteller of the human experience, capturing the essence of what it means to connect, mature, and grow. “Echoes of Elysium” is more than an exhibition; it is a testament to the enduring power of art to illuminate the intricacies of our shared humanity.

For more information on “Echoes andf Elysium” at New River Fine Art call 954–524–2100 or visit: Jennifer Jl Jones Echoes of Elysium Coming Soon | New River Fine Art




New River Fine Art is a world class gallery filled with museum quality art. As one of South Florida’s oldest and most prestigious fine art gallery, New Rive